Thursday, June 17, 2010

Appalling Professor Comment!!

Stupid Things I heard @ Pomona College,

I'm sitting at a search committee meeting for a new professor hire and everything was already TENSE because it was a Chicano Studies and Sociology search. The Sociology faculty were making snide remarks throughout, saying, "why does this hire have to be a Latino?" and "do they even need to study Latinos to get this job?". One of the applicants mentioned she had been a teen mother in the letter of intent. One of the Sociology faculty turns to ME and says, "wouldn't YOU know all about that?" WHY PROFESSOR....WHY WOULD I KNOW??? Just because I'm Mexican?

By: La Pochita Diablita


  1. Why don't you take your Prius driving, Obama loving, Mac using self, and stick yourself in a Whole Foods freezer.
